Native Instruments Maschine 1.7.2 + All Updates, All Expansions

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 Native Instruments Maschine 1.7.2 + All Updates, All Expansions

Native Instruments Maschine 1.7.2 + All Updates, All Expansions | 17.1 GB

Create tight rhythms, harmonies and melodies in moments with MASCHINE - the groundbreaking instrument that combines a pattern-based sequencer, professional sampler, multi-effect unit and VST/AU plug-in host with tactile control.

Experience a fully creative workflow with the integrated hardware/software system, combining the flexibility of computer-based music production with straightforward, two-handed control for composing, performing, browsing, sampling, slicing, sound-shaping and tweaking effects.
MASCHINE combines the flexibility of computer-based music production with the ease of a groove box into one powerful creative tool. Utilizing onboard samples or your own audio files, MASCHINE's symbiosis of hardware and software not only ensures a fast and fun workflow, but lets you easily turn your ideas into professional productions.MASCHINEcomes loaded with over 5GB of production-ready sounds and patterns. Everything from fat drum kits to state-of-the-art synthesizer sounds and pristine acoustic instruments have been sampled, sliced and tagged for your convenience.
MASCHINE also features studio quality effects ranging from dynamics processors to beat-mashers and even mastering tools, all tweakable in real time via the hardware controller.MASCHINE'spattern-oriented concept frees you from the limits of linear arrangement. Build song "scenes" by layering patterns, and re-arrange the scenes on the fly. MASCHINE offers external sampling through your computer's audio interface as well as internal re-sampling, precise editing and slicing, auto-mapping, effects and an ultra-convenient browser - all perfectly attuned to the hardware controller.The MASCHINE hardware is both instrument and controller in one. Sixteen illuminated, velocity-sensitive pads form an interface to intuitively make beats, tweak sounds, create patterns and sequence whole songs with the powerful MASCHINE software. Two large, high-resolution displays with eight corresponding rotary encoders, buttons, and transport controls integrate perfectly with the MASCHINE software.

MASCHINE unifies and vastly improves on familiar groove production workflows. Using the MASCHINE hardware controller you can jam out ideas in a pattern-oriented environment, and use them as the building blocks to create your track within MASCHINE. New samples, loops, effects or arrangements can be added, edited and tweaked in the same intuitive way, utilizing the ultra-convenient hardware interface.

 Native Instruments Maschine 1.7.2 + All Updates, All Expansions

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