AspenTech AspenONE 8.0 (DVD1+DVD2)(2013)

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 AspenTech AspenONE 8.0 (DVD1+DVD2)(2013)

AspenTech AspenONE 8.0(DVD1+DVD2)( 2013)| 10.1 GB

Aspen Technology, Inc., a leading provider of software and services to the process industries, announced the release of aspenONE V8 software. aspenONE V8 delivers a new version of Aspen HYSYS; solids modeling functionality integrated within Aspen Plus; the new Aspen PIMS Platinum; a new version of Aspen Collaborative Demand Manager; and breakthrough innovations in advanced process control, energy and economic analysis.

With aspenONE V8, new and occasional users become proficient faster, and experienced users can do more. This is critical for process industry companies facing workforce development and skills shortages. Usability and visualization enhancements in aspenONE V8 also enable users to collaborate more easily, shortening project times and increasing productivity.

Highlights of the new products and innovations in aspenONE V8 include:

aspenONE Engineering

- A new Aspen HYSYS. The energy industry?s leading process simulator redefines simulation usability with a redesigned interface, streamlined workflow and interactive analysis. The new HYSYS makes it faster and easier to generate optimized process simulations for the hydrocarbon industry?from upstream to refining.
- Solids modeling integrated within the simulation environment. The integration of recently acquired SolidSim technology into Aspen Plus eliminates silos between previously disparate solids and liquids modeling processes. This makes it possible to optimize all chemical processes together for the first time.
- The new?Activate?feature in Aspen Plus and Aspen HYSYS. This industry first in process optimization allows process engineers to find energy and capital cost savings faster. Through activated energy, process engineers can quickly identify ways to change designs to reduce energy, saving design time and future operating cost. Employing activated economics, process engineers can apply science rather than intuition to ensuring the best use of capital.

aspenONE Manufacturing & Supply Chain

- New?Adaptive Process Control?in aspenONE APC. This new functionality automates many of the tasks that traditionally required control engineering resources. With Adaptive Process Control, process manufacturers can sustain advanced process control performance by making maintenance a continuous process.
- The introduction of Aspen PIMS Platinum. The latest addition to the aspenONE Petroleum Supply Chain product line enables planners to collaborate more easily to deliver optimal plans faster. They can visualize and evaluate multiple scenarios along with plant data to make better, more profitable decisions.
- A new Aspen Collaborative Demand Manager. A rich and engaging user experience provides the information granularity customers need to manage different forecasting requirements. Process manufacturers can improve demand forecast accuracy to increase customer service levels, reduce excess inventory, and provide better input to purchasing decisions.

AspenTech AspenONE DVD1,DVD2 includes:

- Aspen Manufacturing
- Aspen Petroleum Supply Chain
- Aspen Petroleum Supply & Distribution
- Aspen Chemical Supply Chain
- aspenONE Infrastructure

About Aspen Technology, Inc.

From our roots at MIT to the groundbreaking release of aspenONE V8, AspenTech has always been at the forefront of innovation in the process industries.

With integrated aspenONE solutions, process manufacturers can implement best practices for optimizing their engineering, manufacturing, and supply chains. As a result, AspenTech customers are better able to achieve their operational excellence goals?increasing capacity, improving margins, reducing costs, and becoming more energy efficient.

Today, aspenONE solutions are used by virtually every leading company in the process manufacturing industry. Over 100,000 users at over 1,500 companies have come to rely on us to achieve superior financial and operating results.

Over 30 years of AspenTech leadership and experience is built into our market-leading aspenONE software solutions. aspenONE software represents best practices for process optimization. It redefines ease-of-use in software for the process industries. It makes operational excellence achievable and?even in the face of today's market challenges?easier than you think.


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