Helicon Filter v5.2.2.3 Multilanguage

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 Helicon Filter v5.2.2.3 Multilanguage

Helicon Filter 5 - мощный, полнофункциональный графический редактор с интуитивно удобопонятным интерфейсом, бойкий предварительный просмотр, контекстно-зависимая поддержка в исподней части экрана, какая гарантирует воздушную обработку карточек для начинающих.

The programme is built step by step as a sequence of actions, holding You through all stages of processing photos. Helicon Filter also has many advanced features of processing of images, which will attract the attention of professional photographers.

Some of the most interesting and unique features:
»»» A unique mechanism of selection of objects(brush selection)
»»» Filtration of dust on the sensor
»»» Compensation haze
»»» Regulation of the spectral sensitivity of the applied filters
»»» Filter chromatic aberration
»»» Vignetting
»»» Unique tools noise correction, brightness, color, retouch

File management:
»»» Automatically create a copy of a file when opening for its further processing(non-destructive editing).Оригинал photos remains unchanged
»»» Support for all popular file types, including all RAW
»»» The fastest browser
»»» Rotation operations, copy, delete, move, rename
»»» Full EXIF and IPTC information
»»» Support for color profiles

Noise reduction:
»»» Automatically detect the level of noise
»»» Selective reduction of noise in the highlights and shadows, at a certain shade, in the color range
»»» Filter defective pixels and dust on the the sensor of the camera
»»» Map of the noise

»»» S-curve brightness or equalizer brightness to adjust the brightness in a narrow range)
»»» Gradient compensation haze
»»» The brightness of the Lights And Shadows
»»» Contrast, Gamma, The Exposition Of The
»»» Local contrast
»»» Levels(black point and white point)
»»» Adjust the size of the zones of the filter
»»» Warning exposure, showing out-of-range in highlights and shadows

»»» Setting the white balance on the gray or other color
»»» The active color map and RGB sliders for manual adjustment of the white balance
»»» List of colors memory(types of skin, green, sky, etc.)
»»» Separate saturation for bright and pastel colors
»»» Equalizer for selective saturation
»»» Spectral-sensitive controls shades
»»» A large set of regulated mechanisms of black-and-white conversion
»»» Warning exposure

»»» The elimination of the chromatic aberration of the high-contrast areas(such as the sun behind the trees)

»»» Fine selection of parts
»»» Sharpens the borders
»»» Threshold setting, preventing increasing the sharpness noise
»»» Control the white and the black halo(border border)
»»» Equalizer to enhance the sharpness of the selected color range

»»» Correction vignetting(darkening or lightening of the corners of the frame)
»»» Correction of convexity/concavity
»»» Correction prospects
»»» Rotation, compression, a stretching
»»» Slope, bending

»»» Pre-installed popular paper sizes, resolution monitors, mobile phones
»»» Proportional allocation(e.g., 2:3, 3:4, defined by the user)
»»» The mechanism of completion of the images in the corners when turning

The scope of:
»»» The mechanism of the rapid formation of the framework
»»» A large set of types and parameters of the scope of
»»» Capture the color for the frame or select from a palette

»»» Brush to Remove defects for the removal of defects, wires, acne on face, and etc.
»»» Brush Clone(similar to Photoshop)
»»» Brush Change the brightness of the for a local change of brightness
»»» Brush to Change the color, to draw a color or change locally shade
»»» Brush to Change the color saturation
»»» Brush Blur/make sharper
»»» Brush Correct noise
»»» Brush Remove "red eye"
»»» Brush Distort, to correct protruding ears, facial expression, the volume and the form of a bust, figures, and other similar problems
»»» Brush Erase changesto locally to remove the effect of the hands and/or filters applied previously
»»» All of the hand may be sensitive to the borders and change stiffness(intensity from the center to the edge)
»»» Undo/Redo

»»» The image can be saved in the computer, sent by e-mail, printed, published on the Internet
»»» Formats supported are JPEG, JPEG2000, TIFF(24-bit, 48-bit lzw compression), PNG, PSD, BMP
»»» Dialog save shows the size of the file to the specified quality and format

Advanced features:
»»» Multi-processor support
»»» Batch processing photos for any set of filters
»»» Support for external plugins
»»» Support for custom settings
»»» 16-bit precision processing of the photos

- TwinView window to use second monitor or 3D TV for previewing
- New Stereo tab and bunch of stereo functions
- WIC support for RAW files

Год: 2013
Язык: мульти
Таблетка: присутствует
Размер: 256.6 Mb

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Немного информации об материале: 25-05-2013, 09:31 наш лучший журналист - resoors написал статью - " Helicon Filter v5.2.2.3 Multilanguage " и сразу же добавил её к нам на сайт! Хотелось бы добавить, что наш журналист подобрал лучшее оформление и качественное содержание данной новости. Так же советуем вам посетить категорию Warez, чтобы найти другие отличные материалы, как и этот!

Ключивые слов для поисковика: Софт, Helicon, Filter, Multilanguage

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