MAGIX Samplitude Music Studio 2019 + Rus

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MAGIX Samplitude Music Studio 2019 + Rus

MAGIX Samplitude Music Studio 2019 + Rus

MAGIX Samplitude Music Studio 2019 + Rus
File Size: 405 MB

Samplitude Music Studio offers artists and musicians everything they need for comprehensive music production and for making creative ideas a reality - from composing and recording to mixing and mastering songs. And all at the highest level and in outstanding audio quality. Tons of professionally pre-produced sounds, loops and instruments and high-quality effects and tools are included within the program. With powerful 64-bit technology, multicore support and multi-track recording in 24-bit/96 kHz, Samplitude Music Studio enables users to accomplish even complex productions.

What's New:
- NEW! More virtual instruments and professional plug-in effects
- NEW! Master automation and MIDI Velocity Dynamics
- NEW! Up to 32 instruments in a single project
- NEW! Modern carbon style interface
- 64-bit architecture and multicore support
- Unlimited sounds, loops and instruments
- Quickstart Wizard and MAGIX Audio Remote app
- 24-bit/96 kHz multitrack recording

The new Samplitude Music Studio.
With its impressive audio engine and endless creative options for improvising, composing and producing music, Samplitude Music Studio offers enormous flexibility. Whether you're working on a multi-track recording of your band in 24-bit/96 kHz, producing a remix or simply want to reformat into MP3 files, Samplitude makes it all possible. Experience true creative freedom.

Samplitude Music Studio is your own virtual rehearsal space, where you take part in regular jams and session, and compose and record your own melodies on the piano or guitar. In addition, you can mix and master songs like a true audio professional. With high-quality sounds, loop and instruments in addition to 64-bit power and multicore support, Samplitude is sure to fulfil the desires of each and every musician. The new version contains even more virtual instruments and professional plug-in effects. It's a real comeback! There's also a range of impressive new features and a clean, modern interface in carbon style.

NEW! More instruments
Samplitude Music Studio celebrates its comeback with 3 brand new, impressive Vita instruments. With Orchestral Ensemble, compose orchestral music that will simply astound, while the Grand Piano lives up to its name with its warm, authentic piano sound. Vita Sansula offers kalimba sounds that are truly one-of-a-kind.

NEW! More Effects
More effects With the inclusion of essentialFX Suite, Samplitude Music Studio offers even more creative options for a professional mix. This suite includes 11 high-quality plug-in effects for achieving impressive, crystal-clear results. Choose from a compressor, flanger, phaser, limiter, reverb or delay.

NEW! MIDI Velocity Dynamics
With MIDI Velocity Dynamics in Samplitude Music Studio, take full control of velocity dynamics in your MIDI recordings - during the recording process, or afterwards. Adjust volume levels with total precision during the recording process, or later when editing your tracks.

NEW! Use 32 instruments
In the new version of Samplitude Music Studio you can load and work with up to 32 instruments within a single project simultaneously. There are more creative options than ever before, enabling you to bring your composition process to a whole new level.

Play, record, mix & master - The music program that can do it all
Are you a fan of indie rock, or more into producing your own hip-hop beats? Or maybe psychobilly grunge with EDM influences and hipster jazz melodies? Bring your creative ideas to life with the new Samplitude Music Studio and produce exactly the music you want. Play your own instruments and record vocals on up to 16 mono tracks or 8 stereo tracks simultaneously. Then, mix your tracks with the virtual mixer and use the professional mastering tools to create outstanding, full sound.

For composition. Instruments, sounds and loops in Samplitude Music Studio.
The new version of Samplitude Music Studio offers a massive range of creative options for song composition. It contains a total of 22 impressive virtual instruments and 6 Soundpools with tons of professionally pre-produced sounds and loops.

Minimum System Requirements:
- You need a 32- or 64-bit version for the following operating systems:
- Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7
- Processor: Dual-core processor with 2.0 GHz RAM: 2 GB (32-bit), 4 GB (64-bit)
- Graphics card: Onboard, minimum resolution 1280 x 768
- Hard drive space: 2 GB for program installation (recommended: 10 GB)
- Sound card: Onboard (ASIO compatible sound card recommended)



Немного информации об материале: 6-03-2019, 16:14 наш лучший журналист - apple2000 написал статью - "MAGIX Samplitude Music Studio 2019 + Rus" и сразу же добавил её к нам на сайт! Хотелось бы добавить, что наш журналист подобрал лучшее оформление и качественное содержание данной новости. Так же советуем вам посетить категорию Софт, чтобы найти другие отличные материалы, как и этот!

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