Altair Inspire Cast 2019.1640

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Altair Inspire Cast 2019.1640

Altair Inspire Cast 2019.1640

Altair Inspire Cast 2019.1640 | 1.1 Gb

The Altair product team is pleased to announce the availability of Inspire Cast (ex solidThinking Click2Cast) 2019 Build 1640, is a casting process simulation software that allows the user to enhance and optimize their manufactured components.
Altair Inspire Cast 2019 includes the following new features and enhancements.
- Units-Based Licensing
Altair Inspire Cast now supports units-based licensing for both solidThinking and HyperWorks customers. To activate your license, select File > Licensing and enter your credentials in the License Setup window. solidThinking customers have the option of using Offline Mode so you can continue to run the application when you are not connected to the internet. Details about how to activate your license are available in the Licensing and Installation Guide.
New Features: User Interface
- New Inspire Cast File Name Extension
Model files are now saved with an extension of .icast.
- Multiformat Support for Importing Geometry
Import geometry files in multiple formats including Parasolid, Step, SW, Catia, ProE, and NX.
- Geometry Creation and Modification
Modify and create geometry using the tools on the new Geometry ribbon tab.
- Import of Multiple Bodies
Import multiple bodies as components (part, runner, riser, core, etc.) and assign different materials and temperatures.
- Component Creation and Editing
Create and edit components including cores, chillers, risers, sleeves, overflows, the mold, and coolers.
- Multicomponent Output and Visualization
Easily visualize the results of individual or multiple components using the legend at the top left of the modeling window.
- Exothermal Sleeves
You can now create exothermal sleeves, in addition to isothermal sleeves. In the Sleeve tool microdialog, select the sleeve type and define the corresponding parameters.
- Cooling Systems
You can now create or import your cooling system. Use the new cooling system feature to easily design your cooling lines and simulate their effect on the mold.
- Section Cuts
Section cuts allow you to create and view a 2D section plane of a part to detect potential issues inside. Use the Section Cut tool in the view controls at the lower left of the modeling window to create section cuts and reposition the section planes interactively.
- Unit System Selector
International and US units for casting are available, as well as other standard metric and English unit systems. You can change the display units using the Unit System Selector in the lower right corner of the modeling window. To change the model units, which are used for solver calculations and file export, use the Preferences. You can customize the display units using the Unit System Selector or Preferences.
New Features: Process Setup
- Tilt Pouring Curve
For gravity tilt pouring casting, you can now enter the filling time and the rotation time separately. By entering points on the time vs rotation curve, the user will be able to better reproduce the process.
- Piston Velocity Curve
For high pressure die casting, you can now enter times and velocities in a table to change velocities during mold filling, in addition to defining the phase change by providing an initial and second phase velocity. You can also modify the velocity profile by clicking the graph.
- Dynamic Graphing on Low Pressure
For low pressure die casting, you can modify the pressure graph by clicking it.
New Features: Analysis Results
- Microporosity (Dimensionless Niyama)
A new microporosity result using a dimensionless Niyama criterion has been added, since the threshold value below which shrinkage porosity forms is generally unknown and alloy dependent. Like the original Niyama criterion, the dimensionless criterion accounts for the local thermal conditions, but it also accounts for other variables like pressures, material properties, and parameter properties.
- Pipe Shrinkage
This new result allows you to check for the formation of pipe shrinkage in casting parts. This defect occurs when the top surface is open to the atmosphere; as the shrinkage cavity forms, the air compensates.
- Total Shrinkage
Total shrinkage is the sum of shrinkage porosity and pipe shrinkage. This new result type provides a comprehensive view of the porosity in the component

Altair Inspire Cast 2019.1640


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