Vectric Aspire 9.512 (x64) Multilingual + Portable (6/1)

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Vectric Aspire 9.512 (x64) Multilingual + Portable

Vectric Aspire 9.512 (x64) Multilingual + Portable (6/1)

Vectric Aspire 9.512 (x64) Multilingual + Portable | 305 MB | 188 MB | 3.4 GB

Aspire is built on the same platform as Vectric's VCarve Pro software, sharing the intuitive interface and ease of use for production design and routing. In addition to the powerful drawing and production routing tools of VCarve Pro, Aspire also has tools to let you transform 2D sketches, photos, drawing and digital artwork into detailed 3D relief models and then to calculate 3D Roughing and Finishing toolpaths to accurately cut these shapes.

Aspire is used by a wide variety of businesses and individuals to create a large range of products that include decorative panels and doors, ornamental flourishes, custom millwork, architectural moldings, dimensional signage, carved company logos, custom gifts and awards, plus many more applications. Aspire's unique 3D component modeling coupled with the comprehensive set of 2D design and editing tools make it easy to work with existing 2D data or imported 3D models as well as giving you the ability to create your own 2D and 3D parts from scratch.

Who uses Aspire?
- Wood Carvers
- Sign Makers
- Furniture Manufacturers
- Cabinet Makers
- Solid Surface Fabricators
- Engravers
- Model Makers
- Jewelers
- Architectural Model Makers
- Schools, Colleges & Universities
- 3D Sculptors and Artists
- Theatre and Movie Prop Makers
- Vacuum Form Mold Production
- and many others.

Features include:
� Two-Sided Machining & Multi-sided 3D Simulation
� 3D Component design from 2D vectors
� Vector Drawing with Smart Snapping & Transform Shortcuts
� Texture Area - Tilable textures from 3D models
� 3D Texture models from image files
� Import 3D files - STL, DXF, OBJ, SKP, V3M, CRV3D, 3DCLIP
� Interactive 3D editing - sculpting, blending & smoothing
� 3D Roughing and Finishing Toolpaths
� Large collection of 2D and 3D clip art files (over 1300) including Panels, Weaves, Textures and 150+ 3D models from Vector Art 3D, alone worth over $5000
� Installation DVD that includes over 35 hours of high quality Video Training Tutorials and a 390+ page Reference Manual
� All the 2D Drawing, design and layout tools available in VCarve Pro - layer control, guide lines, Snapping, rulers etc.
� Text editing with single stroke fonts
� True Shape Nesting maximizes material usage
� Import 2D vectors: DWG, DXF, EPS, AI, PDF, SKP, SVG etc.
� Import 2D Images: BMP, JPG, TIF, GIF, PNG etc.
� Export 2D and 3D files: DWG, EPS, AI, SVG, STL, TIF, etc.
� Interactive vector sizing, positioning, node editing
� Wrapped Rotary axis machining
� Moulding Toolpaths - to create constant cross section profiles, arches, frames etc.
� VCarving and 3D Engraving Toolpaths
� 2D Profiling with interactive tab hold-down, leads, ramping and other options
� Raised 3D Prism machining
� Auto-Inlays with multiple inlay options
� Fluting Toolpaths with ramp in/out options
� Pocketing toolpaths with efficient multi-tool options
� Drilling with peck cycle option
� Beveled Letters
� User definable, shaped Form Cutters
� Project toolpaths onto 3D shapes and curved surfaces
� Tiling of toolpaths to cut large jobs in sections on smaller machines
� Toolpath Templates to automatically apply commonly used strategies and settings to new designs
� High quality multi-color Toolpath Preview for part verification and customer approval
� Job Setup Sheets
� 2D Profiling with interactive tab hold-down, leads, ramping and other options
� Raised 3D Prism machining
� Auto-Inlays with multiple inlay options
� Fluting Toolpaths with ramp in/out options
� Pocketing toolpaths with efficient multi-tool options
� Drilling with peck cycle option
� Beveled Letters
� User definable, shaped Form Cutters
� Project toolpaths onto 3D shapes and curved surfaces
� Tiling of toolpaths to cut large jobs in sections on smaller machines
� Toolpath Templates to automatically apply commonly used strategies and settings to new designs
� High quality multi-color Toolpath Preview for part verification and customer approval
� Job Setup Sheets

System Requirements:
- 2 Ghz multi Core CPU
- 2Gb RAM with Windows XP(SP3), Windows Vista & Windows 7, 8, 8.1 or 10
- 300 Mb Disk space (Program)



Немного информации об материале: 6-01-2019, 06:24 наш лучший журналист - apple2000 написал статью - "Vectric Aspire 9.512 (x64) Multilingual + Portable (6/1)" и сразу же добавил её к нам на сайт! Хотелось бы добавить, что наш журналист подобрал лучшее оформление и качественное содержание данной новости. Так же советуем вам посетить категорию Софт, чтобы найти другие отличные материалы, как и этот!

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