InstallShield 2018 R2 Premier Edition 24.0.573

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InstallShield 2018 R2 Premier Edition 24.0.573

InstallShield 2018 R2 Premier Edition 24.0.573

InstallShield 2018 R2 Premier Edition 24.0.573
Languages: English | File Size: 416.49 MB

Make a great first impression with your software. More than 100,000 application producers choose InstallShield to develop MSI and EXE installers, create Universal Windows Platform app packages and virtualize their apps. On agile or traditional development teams. Creating standalone offerings or complex suites. Deployed to the Windows Store or Nano Server.

Simpler, cleaner installs, upgrades and uninstalls with Universal Windows Platform support
�Develop MSI and EXE installers, and create Universal Windows Platform (UWP) and Windows Server App packages with minimal scripting, coding and rework.
�Prep applications for Windows Store and Nano Server.

Simplify virtual and cloud-based deployments
�Use multi-tier installation templates to deploy Web/server applications as a single cloud-ready package
�Deploy to hybrid cloud databases with Microsoft Azure SQL Database support
�Support enterprise application virtualization adoption by validating compatibility and creating Microsoft App-V packages

Most popular solution for Microsoft Windows and Visual Studio support
�The fast, easy way to build Windows installers
�Create installations directly within Microsoft Visual Studio
�Support enterprise customers with ISO 19770-2 software inventory tags, PowerShell scripting, and Sideloading of Windows Store Apps

Deliver a seamless customer user experience
�Create installers that match your company and product branding with InstallShield's Advanced UI editor
�Support continuous release processes by streaming the latest updates and patches at install time, ensuring users always install the latest version
�Localize installation text in 35 different languages

Future-proof your project from OSS vulnerabilities
�InstallShield* is the only installation automation solution to check for OSS security and IP compliance risks with one scan of your project.

Open Source Software Detection and Risk Assessment
Make InstallShield your first line of defense against potential OSS vulnerabilities. One fast, automated scan identifies OSS components in the project. Know your licensing obligations and make informed ship/no-ship decisions.

Windows Installer (MSI) Installations
Quickly and easily create Windows Installer (MSI) installations with advanced support for SQL databases, enhanced options in IIS view (Premier and Professional editions only), XML editing and much more with InstallShield's intuitive graphical development environment.

Custom Bootstrappers to Bundle Universal Windows
Suite/Advanced UI installations bundle Universal Windows Platform app packages, MSI installers, EXE setups, Web Deploy packages and more into a single installer for simple installation by your customers. Enhancements offer more control for suite installation authors. Installers can be bundled with their dependencies, server configuration tasks, PowerShell scripts, and all the required components of a complex installation.


Operating System:
�Windows Vista
�Windows Server 2008
�Windows 7
�Windows Server 2008 R2
�Windows 8
�Windows Server 2012
�Windows 8.1
�Windows Server 2012 R2
�Windows 10
�Windows Server 2016



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