Unity Pro 2018.3.0f2 macOS

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Unity Pro 2018.3.0f2 macOS

Unity Pro 2018.3.0f2 macOS

Unity Pro 2018.3.0f2 macOS
Language: English | Size: 4.1 GB

Create single or multiplayer games and other real-time 2D, 3D, VR and AR interactive experiences, training and visualizations with Unity Pro. Unity is an all-in-one editor that extends to match your production workflow.

Unity is a cross-platform computer game development environment. Unity allows you to create applications that run on more than 20 different operating systems, including personal computers, game consoles, mobile devices, Internet applications and others. The release of Unity took place in 2005 and since then there is a constant development.
The main advantages of Unity are the presence of a visual development environment, cross-platform support and a modular component system. The disadvantages include the emergence of difficulties when working with multicomponent schemes and difficulties in connecting external libraries.

Hundreds of games, applications, and simulations are written on Unity that cover many platforms and genres. At the same time, Unity is used by both large developers and independent studios.

Release notes

System Requirements Changes
Minimum iOS Version raised to 9.0
Maximum macOS version raised to 10.14
Services: Standard Events (com.unity.standardevents) was merged into Analytics (com.unity.analytics).
Services: Collab (com.unity.collab-proxy) added to the Verified set.
Android: Added AppBundle generation support.

Android: Added notch support for Android.

Android: Added support for requesting permissions at runtime for apps using API level 23 and above.

Android: Added support for using Kotlin source files as plugins.

Android: Added the automatic installation and configuration of OpenJDK when installing Unity Android support. Configuration to use manually installed JDKs is no longer officially supported.

Animation: Added SkinnedMeshRenderer.forceMatrixRecalculationPerRender. Set this property to manually render a skinned mesh multiple times within a single update. For example, for rendering out the results of an animation to a texture.

Asset Import: Added support for importing R16 textures.

Editor: Added ability to view each channel in the Texture Inspector.

Editor: Added improvements to the window tabs:

The selected window tab is now highlighted using a blue outline.
The width of the tab is now adjusted according to the length of the tab title.
You can now scroll through open tabs with arrows when the number of open tabs exceeds the width of the window.
Editor: Introduced new searchable window to display and edit Project Settings and Preferences.

Editor: Rider installation path detection in Editor Preferences.

Facebook: The Facebook platform now uses Package Manager for Facebook SDK management. Configure this in the Facebook Build Settings (not the Package Manager UI).

GI: Added disc-shaped area Light type for baked lighting. Only available in the Progressive Lightmapper.




Немного информации об материале: 4-01-2019, 16:09 наш лучший журналист - apple2000 написал статью - "Unity Pro 2018.3.0f2 macOS" и сразу же добавил её к нам на сайт! Хотелось бы добавить, что наш журналист подобрал лучшее оформление и качественное содержание данной новости. Так же советуем вам посетить категорию Софт, чтобы найти другие отличные материалы, как и этот!

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