Luxand FaceSDK 7.0.0

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Luxand FaceSDK 7.0.0

Luxand FaceSDK 7.0.0

Luxand FaceSDK 7.0.0 | 521 MB

Detect and Recognize Faces with Luxand FaceSDK. FaceSDK enables Microsoft Visual C++, C#, Objective C, VB, Java and Delphi developers to build 32-bit and 64-bit applications for Web, Windows, Linux, macOS, iOS and Android with face recognition and face-based biometric identification functionality.

FaceSDK is used in hundreds of applications for identifying and authenticating users with webcams, looking up matching faces in photo databases, automatically detecting facial features in graphic editors, and detecting faces on still images and video streams in real-time. FaceSDK has been used for building secure identification, surveillance, time and attendance control systems.

Detect Human Faces and Facial Features
Luxand's patent pending technology detects facial features quickly and reliably. The SDK processes an image, detects human faces within it, and returns the coordinates of 70 facial feature points including eyes, eye contours, eyebrows, lip contours, nose tip, and so on.

Immerse Yourself in Augmented Reality
Powered with sophisticated facial feature detection, Mirror Reality technology augments reality by altering a person's appearance. Still pictures of human faces can be completely transformed, and video streams automatically change into enhanced reality.

Create 3D Head Models
Developing morphing, animation, or 3D software? Create a perfect 'skin' or a 3D head model automatically! The SDK can detect human faces and return the coordinates of facial features, making it easy to match facial features in the photograph with corresponding features on the 3D head.

Make Animated 3D Avatars Completely Automatically
Make a perfect 'talking head' avatar for your online applications with a single photograph of a human face. Current generations of 3D head modeling software require manual selection of major facial features such as eyes, nose, and mouth to match them against the same features on the 3D head model. The manual intervention is required to create realistic 3D heads, and is an absolute must if you want animation.

The SDK automates the task, allowing you to make new avatars on the fly. Imagine letting your customers upload their pictures and immediately receive their animated avatars! The SDK recognizes the face in a photograph and returns the coordinates of facial features in a list of anchor points. Your software can easily match facial features such as eyes, mouth, nose, and ears to the points on your 3D head model, creating a head that looks and moves like the original.

The SDK is implemented as a highly compatible library that works with all 32 and 64-bit versions of Windows and Linux, with 64-bit Macintosh, iOS 5.0+(armv7/x86), iOS 7.0+(arm64/x86_64) and Android, and supports many popular development environments. Microsoft Visual C++, .C#, VB.NET, Netbeans (Java), Xcode (iOS), Eclipse ADT (Android), Android Studio (Android) and Borland Delphi users get all necessary header files, making it easy to integrate with new or existing projects.

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