Siemens Teamcenter 12 CAD integrations (x64)

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Siemens Teamcenter 12 CAD integrations (x64)

Siemens Teamcenter 12 CAD integrations (x64)

Siemens Teamcenter 12 CAD integrations (x64) | 955 MB
CatiaV5, Creo, Inventor, Autocad, Solid Works, Solid Edge

Teamcenter software's integrations for AutoCAD and Inventor enable you to reduce design cycle time by providing design and manufacturing teams a single source of product and process data.

These capabilities go beyond workgroup-based CAD data management. Teamcenter provides access to a full range of PLM capabilities that optimize your design through manufacturing processes. Optimized for scalability, it enables geographically distributed design centers to connect to a single database and volume server.
CATIA V5 PLM Integration
You can integrate Teamcenter with CATIA V5 enables you to reduce development time while supporting best-in-class collaboration across your organization and supply chain. All design information is captured, controlled and shared in a single, highly secure PLM environment that includes version management and access controls to ensure the right people get the right information at the right time. Intuitive access to a full range of PLM capabilities further optimizes your design-through-manufacturing processes.
Creo PLM Integration
The Teamcenter� integration for Creo combines a single source of product data with best-in-class collaboration tools across your organization and supply chain. You can quickly search and securely access Creo PLM parts, assemblies, drawings, and user-defined features making it easy for you to find, share and re-use design information. Intuitive access to a full range of product lifecycle management (PLM) capabilities ensures everyone is working from the latest design information, which further optimizes your design through manufacturing processes.
NX PLM Integration
The Teamcenter software integration for NX accelerates design collaboration across your organization and supply chain. All design information created in NX is captured, controlled and shared by your global development teams in a single, highly secure environment, while version management and access control ensure that the right people get the right information at the right time. Intuitive access to a full range of product lifecycle management (PLM) capabilities further optimizes your design-through-manufacturing processes.
Solid Edge PLM Integration
Teamcenter software's integration for Solid Edge enables you to manage, share and re-use Solid Edge data and workflow processes in a single, highly secure PLM environment that ensures the right people get the right information at the right time. More than workgroup-based CAD data management, the integration provides access to a full range of PLM capabilities that further optimize your design-through-manufacturing processes. Optimized for scalability, geographically distributed design centers easily connect to a single server.
Solid Edge PLM Integration
Teamcenter software's integration for Solid Edge enables you to manage, share and re-use Solid Edge data and workflow processes in a single, highly secure PLM environment that ensures the right people get the right information at the right time. More than workgroup-based CAD data management, the integration provides access to a full range of PLM capabilities that further optimize your design-through-manufacturing processes. Optimized for scalability, geographically distributed design centers easily connect to a single server.

Year / Release Date: 2018
Version: - Build -
Developer: Siemens PLM
Developer site:
Digit capacity: 64bit
Interface language: Multilingual (Russian is present)
Tabletka: not required
System requirements: See documentation


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