Technodigit 3DReshaper (Meteor) 2018 version 18.0.8

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Technodigit 3DReshaper (Meteor) 2018 version 18.0.8

Technodigit 3DReshaper (Meteor) 2018 version 18.0.8

Technodigit 3DReshaper (Meteor) 2018 version 18.0.8 | 1.1 Gb

Hexagon have announced the latest release of their popular 3DReshaper point cloud processing suite with a new set of features, focused on custom deliverables.

The main selling points of 3DReshaper 2018 appear to be around its brand-new reporting engine, which allows users to create, edit, customise their own reports from predefined templates or to create them from scratch.

Closely integrated into the software's processing and modelling interface, Hexagon calls the new report editor 'a complete tool to end your workflows with.' Appearing to target the documentation applications that weren't straightforward to export in previous releases, the new interface lets users add text, move images, place snapshots of a scene with labels, data tables and export the result as a 2D or 3D PDF file.

The 2018 also boasts some new tools for tinkering with your point clouds with more precision than previously. Hexagon says that the 'clean/separate' command has been significantly improved and new tools allow you to according to segment and filter according to the point cloud's real colors, its inspection or intensity values.

3DReshaper 2018 also features other cool-sounding tools: stockpile measurement tool that allows you to draw a contour directly onto a point cloud to measure its volume, and the ability to compute a 2D inspection for road cross sections.

New in 2018 version:
- A new report editor to generate customizable deliverables
- Redesign of the cloud menu for better clarity and new segmentation and filter tools
- New command to compute median polylines
- Redesign of the Arm Settings command to have a quicker access to the arm status and to focus on main settings
- Proceed online inspection thanks to the Inspect with Arm command
- New command to simulate or replay a scan previously done
- New command to probe geometrical features with automatic detection
Other main features:
- Work on your Point Clouds (manual and automatic filters, merge, color, etc.)
- Create and Improve 3D Meshes (smoothing, holes filling, borders improvement, etc.)
- Measure, Inspect and Compare your data
- Create and Improve Sections and Polylines
- Etc.

Technodigit 3DReshaper (Meteor) 2018 version 18.0.8

Technodigit 3DReshaper (Meteor) 2018 version 18.0.8

About 3DReshaper. 3DReshaper is the easy-to-use and versatile software solution dedicated to processing any type of point clouds in a wide array of applications. From point cloud to deliverables, from engineering to heritage, from surveying to manufacturing, 3DReshaper is the complete toolbox to meet your 3D modeling and inspection needs.

About 3DReshaper Meteor. 3DReshaper Meteor is an easy-to-use and versatile software dedicated to point cloud processing for various applications, like Automotive, Aerospace, Medical, Jewerly, Research, etc.

About Technodigit. TECHNODIGIT is specialized in digitization and 3D modelling, reverse engineering, surface reconstruction and control. We develop the 3DReshaper technology to make 3D point cloud processing from measurement points. This unique point meshing knowledge allows point cloud treatment without any size limit and provides high quality models, accurate and light, even with poor quality measurements. This tool allows us to receive point clouds from all digitization equipments and to treat them in a very short time.

This technology is available within the 3DReshaper software collection and is used in a wide range of domains as for example: Land Surveying, Cultural Heritage, Mines & Quarries, Architecture, Civil Engineering, Nuclear Plants, Jewellery, Rapid Prototyping, Electronic & Semiconductors, Medical, Dental, Automotive, Aeronautic, Shipbuilding, and much more.

TECHNODIGIT is a French company located in France, in Neyron, 11 km away from Lyon. Since January 2009, TECHNODIGIT has joined the HEXAGON MANUFACTURING INTELLIGENCE group, the global leader in measurement technologies.

Product: Technodigit 3DReshaper (Meteor)
Version: 2018 version
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page :

Language: english
System Requirements: PC
Supported Operating Systems: Windows 7even or newer
Size: 1.1 Gb


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