Soundiron Cruiser KONTAKT

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Soundiron Cruiser KONTAKT

Soundiron Cruiser KONTAKT

Soundiron Cruiser KONTAKT | 1.1 Gb

Soundiron's Cruiser captures that signature nostalgic sound of a vintage 80's synth, perfect for vaporwave, chillwave, nu-disco, new retro wave and all of the raddest Saturday morning cartoon theme songs ever written. This classic 49-key subtractive synthesizer was built by the Italian electronics company Siel way back in 1981. Sold to the European markets as the Siel Cruise, this little slice of the '80s made it stateside as a rebranded Sequential Fugue. The Siel Cruise actually contains two different synthesizers: a monophonic and a polyphonic synth, each with their own presets and options. We've captured the neon-infused retro-futuristic feel by recording 16 different preset banks with infinite sustains and tight staccatos. But that's not all! In order to make Michael Knight proud, we've also created 20 awesome sound designed custom synth and FX presets that accentuate the versatility of this library, from leads to pads and rhythmic presets. With the Soundiron Cruiser, you can double guitar leads to beef them up or put this wonderful synth at the forefront of the next big synthwave track.

We've packed the GUI with lots of great sound-shaping controls that give you the flexibility to warp the sound in many ways. You have control over Volume, Attack, Release, Transient Offset, Vibrato and Octave layering. The "Glide" control slider allows you to play legato and portamento leads. You'll also find an adaptable LFO system, with selectable LFO shape, modulation target parameter, speed, intensity, tempo-syncing and fade-in time. You can also apply your choice of 13 lowpass, high-pass and FX filter, with assignable modulation con-trol options, including velocity, modwheel, expression, after-touch, key position and step-sequencer table control. You can also use our customizable arpeggiator, with a built-in velocity sequencer table and control over arp direction, note timing, swing, randomization and duration.

Cruiser was recorded in a dry studio using a pair of Neumann TLM 103 large diaphragm microphones. We recorded its stock presets with sustains and staccato samples for each key. The included octave, vibrato and FX rack give you an easy-to-use interface to completely customize and shape its fat analog sound to fit a variety of creative styles.

The library comes equipped with flexible control features, like Swell, pitch Glide, Attack, Release, Vibrato, and Octave. There's also a complete DSP effects rack, including convolution reverb with dozens of unique spaces, such as cathedrals, churches, halls, bunkers, garages, tunnels, chambers, rooms and plenty of otherworldly FX impulses to fully explore and endless variety of strange and unexpected sonic manipulations.

1 Main Instrument Preset with advanced performance controls, vibrato, glide speed, LFO, Filter, Arp and full FX rack.
20 Custom Sound-Designed FX and Ambient presets.
Sustains, Staccatos, Chord Sustains, Chord Staccatos and Acoustic effects samples.
Glide control for legato speed.
Standard monophonic functionality or polyphonic when Glide is set to 0.
Octave feature which gradually adds a lower and higher octave.
Convolution Reverb with 119 different cathedrals, churches, chambers, rooms, halls and special effect impulses.
A full multi-effects rack, with EQ, filter, phaser, flanger, delay, distortion, amp & speaker simulation and more.


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