Toon Boom Harmony Premium 16.0 Build 14155 (x64)

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Toon Boom Harmony Premium 16.0 Build 14155 (x64)

Toon Boom Harmony Premium 16.0 Build 14155 (x64)

Toon Boom Harmony Premium 16.0 Build 14155 (x64) | 450 Mb

Your Animation, Any Style. The most powerful software ever created for animation production. Used by top studios all over the world, Harmony lets you work fast and animate in any style. Harmony has all the tools you need for traditional paperless, cut-out and hybrid animation productions.

Accelerate Your Art
- Ink, paint, rig and animate
- Compositing and effects
- All the tools you need to create your entire project in one tool

Sketch, Draw, and Paint
- Bitmap and vector tools for creating art
- Create any style with advanced tools that
- Speed up production
- Combine 3D imported models with 2D for
- Hybrid productions

Enhance the Look
- Create multiplane scenes using Z-depth
- Introduce occlusion and 3D camera moves
- Animate in any style, apply effects and composite in 3D

Harmony Features:

Brush Engine
Revolutionary vector/bitmap drawing technology with unlimited artistic potential.

Palettes and Painting
Advanced colour palettes provide efficient control over texture and colour on every frame.

Traditional Paperless Animation
Access to a complete toolset for traditional frame-by-frame animation.

2D/3D Integration
Animate 3D models and their individual parts directly in Harmony Premium for more creative control when integrating 3D elements with 2D characters.

Powerful tools to create cut-out animation from rubber hose to hand drawn looks.

Cut-Out Animation
Build simple to advanced rigs with specialized tools. Master controllers save time when animating sophisticated rigs.

Effects and Compositing
Add special effects, camera angles and composite scenes seamlessly. Add volume and lighting effects to characters with automatic tones and highlights that can be animated.

Export to Game Engine
Create 2D animation for your game that is lightweight and compatible with game engines like Unity.

Pipeline Integration
Harmony is designed to integrate with other software in a production pipeline. Import multilayer PSD and PSB files, Illustrator, PDF, bitmaps and audio.

What's New in Harmony 16:

Shift and Trace in Camera View
A new Shift and Trace tool is now available in Camera view. Having this tool available right where artists need it helps streamline work and save time when creating frame-by-frame paperless animation. Create a smoother and more natural animation flow by:
Positioning pegs where you want: on the side, top or bottom
Removing a drawing from its pegs to offset, scale and rotate for precise positioning
Shifting multiple drawings at the same time.

Onion Skinning in Harmony 16
New Onion Skin View
Harmony 16 helps you stay focused on the task at hand by neatly consolidating your go-to onion skinning tools and newly added features into one window.

Flexible Onion Skin Opacity Levels
Manage your reference drawings with new built-in sliders in the Onion Skin view. Control their individual opacity levels manually or link the sliders together for a quick adjustment.

Advanced Onion Skin
For finer control over your animation and to stay on model, activate Advanced Onion Skin, and then select which drawings you wish to see before and after. You have the freedom to choose which drawings or frames you see, skipping over the ones that aren't essential.

Effortless Drawing Substitutions
Cut-out rigs can contain many drawing substitutions, enabling animators to quickly swap one drawing for another during the animation phase. With the new Drawing Substitutions view in Harmony 16, all drawings for the selected layer are now conveniently displayed as thumbnails. You can;

Quickly view all available substitutions and easily make your selection.
Zoom in/out to view larger or smaller thumbnails.
Pop out the window and resize it to display more thumbnails.

Instantly Modify Multiple Frames
The need to adjust the position of a prop or character over multiple frames is often required. To speed up these changes, two innovative tools have been added to Harmony.

Animate Onion Skin Range
Expedite the task of manually editing a prop, character or pose over multiple frames with this new tool. Select your element, define the frames via the Onion Skin and make your modifications. It's as simple as that!

Apply to Onion Skin Range
Swiftly make changes with this new flexible feature. Use the Onion Skin to select your drawing or simply a portion of what you want to change. Apply your changes with the Paint and Select tools which will quickly modify your selection across multiple frames.

Easily Modify Deformers
In a single move, you can effortlessly select multiple points on a Curve or Envelope deformer to modify its shape then nudge your points for precise positioning.

Node View Improvements
It's now easier than ever to build node graphs that are organized, simple to navigate and will help streamline workflow.
Snap cables into straight lines and align nodes with one another for better organization.
Select multiple nodes and connect them to an existing or new Composite.
Nudge nodes using keyboard arrows to precisely position them.
For ultimate cable management, use the new waypoints to connect your nodes together.
Quickly navigate through the node graph using keyboard arrows.

Master Controller Enhancements
For improved usability, enhancements have been made to Master Controllers making it easier for riggers and artists to adopt this powerful tool. Harmony 16 now comes with pre-packaged Master Controller Setup Wizards, giving you the control to create Master Controllers - no scripting required.

To promptly set up an interpolation grid and sliders, quickly access setup wizards via a new toolbar. Animators can quickly find their Master Controllers via the new Master Controller view. Select and activate controllers to instantly display them in your Camera view. Now anyone can access this robust tool thanks to its user-friendly interface.

Performance Enhancements
To keep you on track and help you stay productive, Harmony 16 is equipped with key performance enhancers.

Local Caching
Harmony 16 significantly reduces latency by allowing you to work from a local cache. When opening a file in database mode in Harmony, simply select the option to locally cache your scene. Drawings will then be copied from the server to your workstation, shortening the time it takes to load and save files.

Only available with Harmony Server
Harmony Premium and Harmony Advanced

Improved Interactivity
Interactive software rendering speeds have been improved. If a prop is modified or an effect is added to a character or a scene, Harmony 16 will merely render the item changed and not the entire scene, significantly cutting down render times. Harmony 16 also has faster rendering speeds for 4K scenes.

Operating System:
Windows� 10, Windows� 8 / 8.1, Windows� 7

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