Foxit Phantompdf Business v. Multilanguage

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Foxit Phantompdf Business v. Multilanguage

Foxit Phantompdf Business v. Multilanguage

Foxit Phantompdf Business v. Multilanguage | 526 MB

Complete Business Ready PDF solution that expands upon PhantomPDF Standard by offering advanced editing, shared review initiation, higher security, additional file compression, PDF A/E/X creation, and bates numbering.

Edit Text
Edit text in a paragraph without worrying about layout - text will automatically reflow as you edit. After editing, spell check the document.

Advanced Text Editing
Advanced editing capabilities for PDF documents with more complex layout. Link, join, or split text blocks to connect text for more powerful editing. Move and resize text blocks to change to a more compelling layout.

Advanced Object Editing
Edit images, objects, and object shading. Change text to shape. Change page layout properties, add shading to objects, convert text to path, merge/split text, and edit .ai files.

Modify And Format Text
Edit the font of PDF text by changing type, style, size, color, and effect. Align text left, center, or right, while choosing from multiple line spacing options.

Professionalize Documents
Customize the way your PDF looks by adding or modifying stamps, watermarks, headers, footers, and backgrounds to generate professional looking PDFs.

Insert Objects, Images, & Videos
Embed images and videos in your PDF and make it more interactive. Align objects on the left, middle, or center. Distribute objects horizontally or vertically. Rotate, flip, or shear objects.

Create Industry-Standard PDF
Create PDF's from hundreds of the most common file types that are 100% compatible with other PDF products. Reduce file size before you distribute or archive to save transfer time and disk space.

Export PDF To Word & Other Formats
Easily share PDF content by exporting to MS Word, PowerPoint and Excel, RTF, HTML, XML, text, and image formats.

Create PDF from Microsoft Office, Outlook, and Visio
Create PDF with integrated, fully functional Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Outlook, and Visio add-ins.

PDF Form Generation
Develop PDF forms quickly and easily with automated form field recognition and designer assistant. Create professional looking forms with push and radio buttons; check, combo, and list boxes; and text and signature fields.

PDF Portfolios
View, print, create, edit, and search for text in PDF portfolios.

PDF/A, E, X Compliance
Create and validate industry compliant PDF files for archiving, engineering and print production.

Shared Review
Initiate a Shared Review to include PhantomPDF, Foxit Reader, and MobilePDF users through a public cloud (Foxit Cloud), network folder, a SharePoint workspace, or email.

Commenting Tools
Provide feedback to documents through annotation and text markup tools.

Comments Management
Quickly view all the comments in a document in an easy to understand summary. Import, export, and send comments as a FDF file via email.

SharePoint� Integration
Seamlessly check in and check out PDF files on SharePoint servers.

DocuSign Integration
Send, sign and save PDF documents using the industry's most widely used eSignature solution.

Evernote� Integration
Create and send a PDF as an attachment to an Evernote note.

Manage PDF Document Pages
Enables you to delete pages, add pages, swap, flatten, crop, and extract pages in a PDF document.

Create A PDF From Existing PDF
Adds, deletes, or combines pages from multiple PDF files to create new PDF documents.

Compare PDF Documents
Uses color to highlight the differences between two PDF documents to help you identify what has been changed quickly and easily.

Search For PDFs By Content
Bundled search and index plug-in to Windows desktop search enables PDF search by content, title, subject, author, keywords, annotations, bookmarks, attachments, and more.

Bates Numbering
Place identification on documents as they are scanned or processed.

Re-organize PDF Documents
Page and attachment panels allows you to organize pages and attached files by simply dragging and dropping page thumbnails within a document or from one document to another.

Scan Documents Into PDF
Streamline workflow by converting paper contracts, agreements, and other documents to electronic PDF files - scan and convert in one step.

Optical Character Recognition (OCR)
OCR to convert scanned or image-based content into selectable, searchable, and editable text.

Edit Text In Scanned Documents
OCR with editable text, then paragraph edit text from scanned documents, which is especially valuable when you only have hardcopy.

Correct Suspect OCR Results
Find and correct incorrect OCR results to enable accurate file indexing for effective PDF searching.

Scanned Pages In Existing PDF
Streamline your workflow by inserting scanned documents directly into your PDF document.

Sign Documents With PDF Sign
Sign documents in your own handwriting. Create, manage, place, apply, and password protect multiple signatures-enabling effortless PDF document signing.

Permanently remove (redact) visible text and images from PDF documents to protection confidential information.

Microsoft� Rights Management
Extends the usage control benefits of AD RMS to PDF documents and allows authors and admins to control rights management for each PDF. Provides both encryption and decryption capabilities.

Document Encryption
Using password or certificate encryption and control what actions others can operate on the document to protect confidential information.

Add/Verify Digital Signatures
Add digital signatures and timestamps to documents and allow the PDF receiver to validate the status of a digital signature to determine if the document has been modified since the signature was applied.

Document Sanitization
Removes sensitive information from your document before publishing, like metadata, comments, hidden data from previous saves, hidden layers, overlapping objects, and more.

System Requirements:
- Windows 7 (32-bit & 64-bit)
- Windows 8 Full Version
- Windows 10


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«    Сентябрь 2024    »


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