AutoForm Plus R7 (Update only)

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AutoForm Plus R7 (Update only)

AutoForm Plus R7 (Update only)

AutoForm Plus R7 (Update only)
File size: 392 MB

AutoFormplus R7 - The Next Level of Process Simulation. AutoForm Engineering GmbH, the leading supplier of software solutions for the sheet metal forming industry, has unveiled its latest software version AutoFormplus R7. This release brings tangible benefits and enables users to reach the next level of process simulation.

AutoFormplus R7 enables users to reach the next level of process simulation through a new set of powerful enhancements and functionalities. As a result, users benefit from higher flexibility and efficiency in process set-up and final validation for all forming processes in general and in particular for progressive dies and hot forming.

Cooling channels - tool design, tool temperature and sheet temperature.
Blank plan and bend plan: AutoFormplus R7 new functionalities enable users to efficiently plan and simulate (e.g. springback) progressive dies.
Blank plan and bend plan: AutoFormplus R7 new functionalities enable users to efficiently plan and simulate (e.g. springback) progressive dies.
AutoFormplus R7 brings advances in process modeling for hot forming as this release allows users to take cooling channels into account. Cooling channels can now be easily modeled with 3D curves and their corresponding diameters. Different cooling channel layouts lead to different temperature distributions on the tool surfaces. Hot spots on the tool surface can be easily detected and controlled depending on the selected layout of the cooling channels.

One of the major highlights of AutoFormplus R7 is the improved planning and simulation of progressive dies. In particular, AutoFormplus R7 supports the following use cases: import of CAD-designed tool geometry for the final process validation, part import for the planning stage and part import for full process engineering, which includes die face generation and simulation. These use cases are supported by new functionalities which enable users to efficiently plan and simulate progressive dies.

In addition, AutoFormplus R7 enables users to benefit from AutoForm-Sigmaplus capabilities as all Sigma pre and post processing functionalities are now integrated within AutoForm-ProcessExplorerplus. AutoFormplus R7 software users can now take advantage of Sigma applications - Systematic Process Improvement and Process Robustness. As a result, users can ensure a highly efficient engineering process and robust part production while meeting desired quality requirements.

System requirements: Win7 SP1 64bit, Lunux 64bit, Ubunru supported (xinetd must be installed)
All server platforms (Windows Server), Windows Vista, Windows 32bit and Win8 are NOT SUPPORTED !!!
-RAM: 8 GB (4 GB min)
-3D Graphic support: Direct 3D or OpenGL

Read: "AutoForm^plus R7.0.5 Release Notes EN.pdf"



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