Topaz Studio 1.12.9

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Topaz Studio 1.12.9

Topaz Studio 1.12.9

Topaz Studio 1.12.9
Product: Topaz Studio
Version: 1.12.0 portable
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page :

Language: english
System Requirements: PC
Supported Operating Systems: Windows 7even or newer
OpenGL Support Level: OpenGL 3.3
Size: 554.4 mb

Topaz Labs is pleased to announce the availability of Topaz Studio 1.12.0, an intuitive image effect toolbox with Topaz Labs' powerful acclaimed photo enhancement technology.

It works as a standalone editor, a plugin within Lightroom, Photoshop, Affinity Photo and others, as well as a host application for your other Topaz plugins.

Current version 1.12 - September 20, 2018

new - The application will now show a toast message when syncing starts/finishes.
new - We added a generic text field to Batch Processing file naming options (for suffix and prefix text).
new - The application will now show pixel dimensions when cropping.

fix - We reduced the sync computation time!
fix - We improved error handling when there is no network connection
fix - We removed unused resources in database
fix - We fixed a problem with texture import when importing grayscale images
fix - We fixed the incorrect overlay behavior in Focal Blur
fix - We fixed a problem with window control restore down settings being lost on exit, after the user Maximizes the window
fix - We fixed a problem where the Save button is inactive immediately after the application of a plugin
fix - We fixed reported TIFF color profile issues
fix - We fixed crashing on Digital Frame for some users
fix - We fixed a problem that caused a color shift when saving back to LightRoom
fix - We fixed a problem where the Save As dialog would show sRGB, but instead output images as ProPhoto color profile

About Topaz Studio. Topaz Labs is popular for its plugins, some also working standalone. Now they take things a step further and create Topaz Studio, a photo editor offering the essential tools and a bridge to all its software.

Topaz Studio is a brand new standalone editor, more than just a host application. It features fundamental tools like cropping rotating and resizing your images and has a built in histogram and scopes to show your hue, saturation, and luminance of your images. It's designed for people who want to edit their photos through an easy to use interface, and while it is simple on surface, it is supported by the same technology that fuels Topaz Labs software. In fact, it is even more than that, as it also becomes the interface for Topaz Labs plugins you may already have.

The program, is an interesting proposition and one that makes, for me, complete sense. Topaz Labs offered previously - and still, offers - its photoFXlab, a standalone application that worked as an interface for all things Topaz. The now revealed Topaz Studio takes things a few steps further and offers users a complete photo editor that follows many of the conventions now expected to fin on photo editors able to work with your images from the RAW files.

While the program works standalone, it can also be used as a plugin for those who prefer to work in Photoshop or Lightroom. I've yet to try it with other software, as Affinity Photo, which already accepts Topaz Labs plugins, but for this first "hand-on" of the program I explored the potential of the standalone options.

The interface is easy to grasp, and the tools most needed/used are directly accessible from the panel on the right side. Everything you need is there, but once you start to go deeper into the menus you understand this is more than a simple tool: blurs, vignettes, curves, precision sharpening, duotones, dehaze, bloom, color correction, masks, everything seems to be there, all the way to the special effects you can get from some of the plugins created by Topaz Labs. There is a whole collection of effects included in Topaz Studio, but as I mentioned, you can use the program as the central hub to access your Topaz Labs plugins.

The way adjustments are implemented is not only seamless, but completely transparent to you: the panel on the right side shows each "layer", perfectly named, so you know the adjustment used. A simple click and the info expands, allowing for further adjustment of each "layer" introduced. You can stack, add, rearrange, duplicate, delete or hide adjustments all within Topaz Studio. That means no more jumping in and out of Photoshop to apply each specific adjustments. In fact, I believe many users might be happy with the tools Topaz Studio has to offer.

About Topaz Labs. We use the most advanced developments in imaging technology to create powerful software products for photographers.


Немного информации об материале: 7-10-2018, 18:47 наш лучший журналист - apple2000 написал статью - "Topaz Studio 1.12.9" и сразу же добавил её к нам на сайт! Хотелось бы добавить, что наш журналист подобрал лучшее оформление и качественное содержание данной новости. Так же советуем вам посетить категорию Софт, чтобы найти другие отличные материалы, как и этот!

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