Intel Parallel Studio XE 2019 Win

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Intel Parallel Studio XE 2019 Win

Intel Parallel Studio XE 2019 Win

Intel Parallel Studio XE 2019 Win
OS: Windows 32/64bit | Language: English | Size: 3.5 GB

Intel Parallel Studio XE boosts performance, increases productivity, and eases scalability more than ever for HPC and compute-intensive applications. Whether you build for big data analytics, machine and deep learning, or thousands of other performance-critical applications, this tool-packed suite harnesses the full capabilities inside Intel Xeon and Xeon Phi processors and coprocessors.

Intel Software has released , the latest version of their high performance computing suite of tools for C/C++, Fortran and Python developers to use and enhance the performance of their applications

What's new in this release:

- Write applications that scale with improved parallel performance on the latest Intel Xeon and Intel Core processors using Intel Advanced Vector Extensions 512 (Intel AVX-512) instructions
- Gain greater scalability and reduce latency with next generation Intel MPI Library
- Vectorise and thread your code (using OpenMP) to take advantage of the latest SIMD-enabled hardware, including Intel AVX-512
- Speed up machine learning by enabling new high performance Python optimisations with Intel Distribution for Python* and Intel Data Analytics Acceleration Library (Intel DAAL)
- Stay up to date with the latest standards and integrated development environments (IDE):
. Full C++14 and expanded C++ 2017
. Full Fortran 2008 and partial Fortran 2018
. Python 2.7 and 3.6
. Full OpenMP 4.5 and initial OpenMP 5.0 draft
. Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 integration
- Experience a new, more intuitive user interface and enhanced roofline analysis in Intel VTune Amplifier. Run longer high-level performance analysis with the preview of Platform Profiler.
- Visualise parallelism using the rapid visual prototyping environment in the Flow Graph Analyzer component of Intel Advisor. Use it to interactively build, validate, and visualise parallel algorithms.
- Accelerate data analysis and scientific computing with Intel Distribution for Python, now integrated into Intel Parallel Studio XE.
- Access the latest Intel Performance Libraries and Intel Distribution for Python via conda, pip, DockerHub, APT GET, and YUM.

About Intel Corp. Intel Corp. is the brains of the operation. One the biggest computer chip companies, the company controls 80% of the market for microprocessors that act as the brains of desktop, notebook, and server computers. It has dominated the PC chip market from the early x86 processors to Pentiums to today's Core technology. Intel also makes chips for smartphones, and tablets as well as embedded semiconductors for the industrial, medical, and automotive markets. The company develops its chips and makes most of them itself in one of the industry's biggest manufacturing systems.

Version: 2019 Cluster Edition with Documentation*
Supported Architectures: 32bit / 64bit



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