CAMWorks 2018 SP4.0 (x64) Multilingual for SolidWorks

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CAMWorks 2018 SP4.0 (x64) Multilingual for SolidWorks

CAMWorks 2018 SP4.0 (x64) Multilingual for SolidWorks

CAMWorks 2018 SP4.0 (x64) Multilingual for SolidWorks
File size: 3.0 GB

CAMWorks, a parametric, solids-based CNC programming software system, brings in a revolutionary way to help machinists around the world program smarter and machine faster. CAMWorks significantly reduces programming time and removes the drudgery from CNC programming by using patented Feature Recognition technology in conjunction with full toolpath to solid-model associativity and knowledge-based machining.

Being integrated into the design environment, CAMWorks allows a user to:
Maintain associativity between the design model and the toolpaths ensuring that the latest changes in the design reflect in the toolpath
Eliminate time-consuming file transfers using standard file formats such as IGES and STEP
Use a single file for storing CAD and CAM data drastically reducing file management
Work with the same familiar user-interface ensuring a short learning curve
Use the CAMWorks machining tree and commands at the click of a button and generate toolpaths without leaving the design environment
CAMWorks provides users with the ability to work with multiple platforms including its own integrated CAD/CAM platform

SOLIDWORKS Integration
Solid Edge Integration
CAMWorks Solids Integration
Knowledge-based machining allows you to capture and reuse your programmers' and machinists' best programming practices using the Technology Database, TechDB� reducing programming time by as much as 80%.

What differentiates CAMWorks from other software is the ability to store machining strategies feature-by-feature, both multi-surface features and prismatic features, and then reuse these strategies to reduce machining time significantly.

Feature-based machining: No profiles or chains
Feature-based machining reduces programming time by as much as 90% compared to traditional profiles, and chains based 3 axis CAM software because strategies for multi-surface features can be stored and reused automatically for multiple rough and finishing operations.

Our patented Automatic Feature Recognition (AFR) automatically recognizes over 20 types of prismatic features in native format or neutral file format solid models. This capability is ably complemented by Interactive Feature Recognition (IFR) for recognizing complex multi-surface features, as well as contains and avoids areas, quickly and easily.

Machine Faster
We understand that only programming fast is not enough. Our users need to have access to the most advanced high speed machining strategies.
CAMWorks ensures that the air cuts are reduced to a minimum. In addition, users have access to optimized, out-of-the box, strategies for Mold core and cavity programming reduces programming time.
CAMWorks� Volumill� creates ultra-high performance toolpaths by using the latest advanced technology to rough mill multi-surface parts faster than any other software available today. Reduce machining time by as much as 85% and increase tool life by as much as 500% even in the hardest materials.


Немного информации об материале: 14-09-2018, 17:26 наш лучший журналист - apple2000 написал статью - "CAMWorks 2018 SP4.0 (x64) Multilingual for SolidWorks" и сразу же добавил её к нам на сайт! Хотелось бы добавить, что наш журналист подобрал лучшее оформление и качественное содержание данной новости. Так же советуем вам посетить категорию Софт, чтобы найти другие отличные материалы, как и этот!

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