Solid Angle Cinema4D to Arnold 2.4.0 for Cinema4D R17-R19

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Solid Angle Cinema4D to Arnold 2.4.0 for Cinema4D R17-R19

Solid Angle Cinema4D to Arnold 2.4.0 for Cinema4D R17-R19

Solid Angle Cinema4D to Arnold 2.4.0 for Cinema4D R17-R19 | 576.1 mb

Solid Angle has released version 2.4.0 of Arnold for Cinema4D (C4DtoA). This plug-ins provides a bridge to the Arnold renderer from within the standard Cinema 4D interface. C4DtoA is now shipping with the latest Arnold core.

2.4.0 - Release Date August 10, 2018:

- Texture baking: a new dialog is added that will produce an image of a given polymesh's shaded UV space as output.
- Sheen in standard surface: the standard surface shader supports a new, energy-preserving sheen effect designed to render cloth-like microfiber materials such as velvet. The sheen effect is layered on top of the diffuse and subsurface components.
- New cell noise shader: a new cell noise shader has been added which can create many different useful cell-like patterns. The color of each cell is mapped to a palette parameter, enabling the easy creation of patterns with colors chosen from a specific palette.
- Export / import operator graphs: operator graphs now can be exported to an ASS file and import back in any DCCs supported.
- Built-in cryptomatte: the Cryptomatte ID matte creation tool is now being included as a part of the Arnold core package.
- Matrix shaders: The matrix_multiply_vector and matrix_transform shaders have been reinstated.
- New control in toon shader: edge detection can now be controlled using a STRING type user data called Toon ID, available in the Arnold Tag of shapes. This feature is enabled when the Use Toon ID parameter of the toon shader is checked. Otherwise, the detected edges will be driven by the object's own name as a toon-specific ID.
- New controls in range shader: the range shader has been augmented with parameters to control contrast, bias and gain.
- RGB clamping in clamp shader: the clamp shader can now be configured to either a scalar or color mode.
- Improve alpha options of the Arnold Material: alpha channel of a texture is now supported to control blending when stacking materials.
- Support for the native decal workflow: adding textures over a material via the texture tag is now fully supported.
- Run ASS export while a render is running in the background
- Change Export scale parameter to length unit type
- Support for blend opacity in the object mask tag
- Reload the procedural when it's disabled and re-enabled
- Add -arnoldAbortOnLicenseFail command line argument
- ASS export from command line does match ass export from gui
- Exported xpEmitters don't match original if you have a short particle lifespan
- Multiple folders in the procedural search path do not work on OSX
- Arnold tag shows wrong parameters on a Lathe object under a Cloner
- The Cryptomatte AOVs can be assigned only to an EXR driver, therefore Cryptomatte has no preview in the Picture Viewer and IPR.
- There are modifications in the C4DtoA API which require third-parties to recompile their C4DtoA extensions.

About Arnold for Cinema4D. C4DtoA supports most Cinema 4D features such as instances, cloners, deformers, generators, MoGraph geometry, hair, and ThinkingParticles. It also supports both animation and single frame distributed rendering in Team Render, allowing the use of all computers in a local network to speed-up Arnold rendering. Third-party plugins TurbulenceFD and X-Particles are natively supported, allowing artists to render high quality smoke, fire, and particle effects with fully interactive feedback. Other features include volume rendering with OpenVDB, a node-based material editor and a comprehensive list of shaders and utilities, including vertex maps and per-face materials.

About Solid Angle. Solid Angle is the technology company behind the Arnold rendering software. With offices in Madrid and London, Solid Angle's customers include ILM, Framestore, Sony Pictures Imageworks, Rodeo FX, Luma Pictures, Image Engine, The Moving Picture Company, Digic Pictures, The Mill and Psyop. Arnold was designed to efficiently process the complex geometric datasets required for feature-length CGI animation and big-budget visual effects, while at the same time simplifying the pipeline. This unique renderer has been used to create the VFX seen in "Guardians of the Galaxy", "Elysium, "Gravity", "Pacific Rim", Marvel's "The Avengers", and "Alice in Wonderland", to name just some. Marcos Fajardo is the founder of Solid Angle and lead architect of Arnold. The software is now available as a standalone renderer, as a C++ API and as a set of plug-ins for leading 3D applications such as Maya, Softimage and Katana on Linux, Mac OS X and Windows.

About MAXON Computer GmbH. MAXON Computer GmbH is a developer for 3D graphics software, offering professional 3D modeling, painting, animation, and rendering solutions. MAXON's product line is centered around its core applications Cinema 4D, a leading animation package for media production, and BodyPaint 3D, its pioneering 3D painting package.

Product: Solid Angle Cinema4D to Arnold
Version: 2.4.0
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page :

Language: english
System Requirements: PC
Supported Operating Systems: The same OS for the version of software that you are using.
Software Prerequisites: Maxon Cinema4D R17-R19
Size: 576.1 mb


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