Camel Audio Alchemy Full v1.55.0.3366 (MacOSX)

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Camel Audio Alchemy Full v1.55.0.3366 (MacOSX)

Camel Audio Alchemy Full v1.55.0.3366 (MacOSX)

Camel Audio Alchemy Full v1.55.0.3366 (MacOSX)
File Size : 3.4 GB

Alchemy is the ultimate sample manipulation synthesizer which can turn your musical dreams into reality. Buy now and get a free sound library* of your choice!

It's a synth powerhouse and yet is easy to use thanks to its powerful browser, performance controls and remix pad. The library of contemporary sounds explores new sonic territory ranging from cutting-edge pads and sublime soundscapes to ultra-fat basses and synths. Just tweak the library of presets from many of the world's top sound designers or dive in and analyse your own samples - it's up to you!
Alchemy is perfect if you want quick and easy access to inspiring sounds. The new browser in v1.5 is the most fully-featured sound browser available, allowing you to find all your slow attack strings, glitchy dubstep basses, tempo-synched warm pads, or whatever you need in a matter of seconds. All Camel Audio presets have been carefully tagged by category, genre, articulation, and timbre. Finding favourites is a breeze - simply rate presets with a single click and then sort by rating. You can add tags to make it easy to call up presets associated with a particular project or live set.

Alchemy ships with over 5GB of exclusive samples and a library of over 1000 presets (8000 remix variations) including a free Sound Library of your choice, from many of the world's top sound designers. Sounds range from soaring pads to endlessly evolving soundscapes and playable arps. There is an extensive range of Sound Libraries available to further extend your library.

The perform section gives access to the most important controls for the current preset, making it simple to tweak. Quickly alter sounds to fit your music using the remix pad to explore the space between the 8 hand crafted variations of each sound.

The Alchemy App for iPhone and iPad is an inspiring touch remote. It's perfect onstage for live performances or in the studio you'll spend more time getting inspired at your controller keyboard and less time reaching for the mouse.
Alchemy allows you to manipulate sounds in ways which are impossible with any other soft synth or sampler. Alchemy features the most powerful additive synthesis engine with the most accurate resynthesis available in any plugin, which allows you to create unique sounds. Alchemy also features spectral and granular synthesis, sampling, and a fat sounding virtual analog engine - it's like getting five synths for the price of one! You can morph or crossfade between sources for anything from vector mixing, to morphing one voice into another. Listen to the music player above to hear the huge variety of possibilities.

You can import your own samples from SFZ, WAV or AIFF files. A wide range of analog modelled filters are included, in addition to a flexible rack of effects which includes all those from CamelPhat and CamelSpace as well as many new effects such as a high quality reverb. The innovative modulation system is extremely flexible, yet easy to use. Alchemy also features a powerful arpeggiator.

What's new:
official site does not provide any info about changes in this version.


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