Resolume - Arena 6.0.7 x64

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Resolume - Arena 6.0.7 x64

Resolume - Arena 6.0.7 x64

Resolume - Arena 6.0.7 x64 | 845 MB

Resolume Arena is a powerful professional tool that allows you to freely combine sound and video, as well as create high-quality visual effects for video clips. The concept of the interface of the program is to represent a certain desktop on which the user "decomposes" the materials for the future video and will try various combinations.

Resolume Arena supports mixing and rendering in real time, compatible with MIDI and OSC, and can also be expanded with video and audio plug-ins.
Faster than all: Now you can play more layers, at a higher resolution (4K) and edit larger scenes. Switching the deck is now much faster, so you can quickly find the clip you are looking for. The recorder works just as much faster, so you can record longer and at a higher resolution. The playback of DXV encoded files is much faster, as well as in other formats.
Flexible interface: The interface now perfectly displays on screens with high resolution. You can reconfigure the panels in the Resolume interface to create a template that matches your workflow. Preview monitors are now available directly in structures, panels, layers and clips.
Choose any color: No more confusion with RGB sliders, just click on the color you want. Keep your favorite colors in the palette, assign them to your MIDI controllers and you can quickly follow changes in light on the stage.
Quick search: Using the search bar on each browser panel, you can quickly find effects, generators, files and songs.
Highlight and change: With color coding, you can select a specific clip, layer, group, column, or deck. To make it even clearer, you can now update the thumbnails of the clips, rename the columns and rearrange the decks.
Media Manager: With it, you have an excellent overview of all the files in your composition, and you can easily copy the song to another location.
Constant clips: Always keep your most important clips within reach by installing them on decks.
Arrange: With the Next & Previous Column buttons, you can easily play the created sequence by running the next column. Great for theater performances and presentations.
Join the group: With Ableton Link Resolume can be synchronized with Ableton Live or any other software that supports Link. You can even use it to synchronize two computers running with Resolume.
Layer Groups: With them, you can create mini-sub-songs within your composition. The groups have their own column triggers, effects, control panel, monitor and master faders.
Text effects: Built-in text generators are great for displaying and animating text "on the fly." Simply enter the text, select any font, add a color, an animation, and you can write the name of the DJ. (you know how they like to see their name on the screen!)
Animate! Envelopes will add life to the animation settings. With many predefined curves, you can create pattern parameters instead of simply moving the envelopes up and down. It is irreplaceable in combination with Text Animator!
Labels: The system of shortcuts Keyboard, MIDI, DMX and OSC is completely debugged to make it more flexible and understandable. Now you get an excellent overview of your shortcuts in the list, and you can create presets for your favorite controllers.
Year / Date of Issue: 04.2018
Version: 6.0.7
Developer: Resolume
Developer's website: Resolume
Bit depth: 64bit
Language: English
Tabletka: present
System requirements: Windows 7 SP 1 or later, 64 bit \ OS X 10.9 or later
AMD or NVIDIA graphics card with 256MB of VRAM
i7 Processor, 2.5 GHz
NVidia GTX 1080 (PC) / Radeon Pro 450 (MAC)


Немного информации об материале: 28-07-2018, 18:57 наш лучший журналист - apple2000 написал статью - "Resolume - Arena 6.0.7 x64" и сразу же добавил её к нам на сайт! Хотелось бы добавить, что наш журналист подобрал лучшее оформление и качественное содержание данной новости. Так же советуем вам посетить категорию Софт, чтобы найти другие отличные материалы, как и этот!

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