Microsoft Office 2007 SP3 Enterprise + Visio Pro + Project Pro / Standard 12.0.6798.5000

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Microsoft Office 2007 SP3 Enterprise + Visio Pro + Project Pro / Standard 12.0.6798.5000

Microsoft Office 2007 SP3 Enterprise + Visio Pro + Project Pro / Standard 12.0.6798.5000

Microsoft Office 2007 SP3 Enterprise + Visio Pro + Project Pro / Standard 12.0.6798.5000
Russian / English / Ukrainian registered versions with updates on June 13, 2018 and without ads | 1.83 GB/679.77 MB

Microsoft Office Enterprise 2007- an exhaustive set of working applications and database management programs, helping to save time and effectively organize work. A wide range of contact management capabilities allows you to concentrate all the management functions of information about customers and potential customers in one place and provide a higher quality of service. You can independently create professionally designed marketing materials for printing, e-mailing or posting on the web, and develop effective marketing campaigns. Lack of practical experience and support of technical specialists will not prevent to create dynamic business documents, spreadsheets, presentations and databases. The development of new opportunities is faster due to the improved menu system,

Microsoft Office Enterprise 2007 includes:
Microsoft Office Access 2007 SP3
Microsoft Office Excel 2007 SP3
Microsoft Office Groove 2007 SP3
Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007 SP3
Microsoft Office OneNote 2007 SP3
Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 SP3
Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007 SP3
Microsoft Office Publisher 2007 SP3
Microsoft Office Word 2007 SP3

Microsoft Office Enterprise 2007 includes:
Microsoft Office Access 2007 - a desktop database management system. A convenient environment for quickly and easily tracking information, preparing reports and sharing data via the Internet.
Microsoft Office Excel 2007 - the program for working with spreadsheets. Allows you to analyze, share and process data.
Microsoft Office Groove 2007 is a new tool for supporting the work of copying. Allows the members of the distributed team to interact through a single working information space, solving a variety of common tasks - from creating documents to integrating applications within various business processes.
Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007 is an application for creating dynamic forms for collecting and sharing data. Helps optimize business processes and improve data collection across the organization
Microsoft Office OneNote 2007 is a flexible software solution that provides a single place for gathering information of almost any kind, a means of quick searching and copying. Especially effective on the Tablet PC with pen input information.
Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 is a messaging client. A universal tool for managing temporary and other data with the ability to organize, organize and search.
Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007 - new graphics capabilities, formatting tools and user-friendly interface allow you to quickly create dynamic, professionally designed presentations.
Microsoft Office Project Standard 2007 is a personal version of the product for drafting projects in the field of work and personal control.
Microsoft Office Publisher 2007 - the program of preparation of depot and marketing materials for desktop printing, placing on the Internet, spreading by e-mail. Contains all the tools for creating expressive materials.
Microsoft Office SharePoint Designer 2007 - a tool based on Frontpage, is designed to develop and manage Web sites.
Microsoft Office Visio 2007 - a solution for building charts and visualizing data. It provides an opportunity to visualize and analyze complex information, systems and processes, and also to exchange such information.
Microsoft Office Word 2007 - a set of tools for working with text. Allows you to create professionally designed documents and increases the efficiency of teamwork.

System requirements:
Computer and processor: Frequency not lower than 500 MHz
Memory: RAM minimum 256 MB
Hard disk space: 2 GB. Part of the disk space will be freed after installation when the original boot package is removed from it.
Screen: Resolution of at least 1024x768 pixels
Operating system: Windows XP SP2, Server 2003 SP2, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1

Version Features:
Languages: Russian, English, Ukrainian [only Office]
Activation: serial number
Optional: Office Tab; UBit Menu

Silent installation parameters (used by AutorunHelper.exe):
/ O2K7 - silent installation of Office with updates
/ V2K7 - quiet installation of Visio with updates
/ P2K7 - silent Project installation with updates
/ UP2007 - installing updates
/ TAB - Office Tab installation
/ UBRU- installation UBit Menu RUS
/ UBEN- installation UBit Menu ENG
/ S - hide progress window
For example, the AutorunHelper.exe / O2K7 / V2K7 / TAB command will
install Office, Visio and Office Tab.
For the unpacked version (.exe � 2 GB), the same startup is performed as follows:
Install.exe -y -nr -gm2
"% WINDIR% \ Temp \ OFFICE2007 \ AutorunHelper.exe" / O2K7 / V2K7 / TAB

Changes in version 2018.03:
Built-in updates for March 2018
Individual MSP files are built into the assembly
Updated build information for embedded MSP files
The assembly is again distributed in EXE format (instead of ZIP)

Changes in version 2018.04:
Updated for April 2018
Changes in version 2018.05:
Built-in updates for May 2018

Changes in version 2018.06:
Updated for June 2018

Checksums of images:
CRC32: FF56F68F
MD5: 7CFDE159C9C1300979A9E8B07292BCBC
SHA-1: 4B849DDE23D1A0E8A5CD05D10D6D6FC615B06474

The composition of Microsoft Office Standard 2007:
Microsoft Excel 2007
Microsoft Outlook 2007
Microsoft PowerPoint 2007
Microsoft Word 2007

Checksums of images:
CRC32: 4CD36B36
SHA-1: 25A14C0ABDD6345CC01ABAD1848D37B660C8946B


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