Allegorithmic Substance Painter 2018.1.1.2167

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Allegorithmic Substance Painter 2018.1.1.2167

Allegorithmic Substance Painter 2018.1.1.2167

Allegorithmic Substance Painter 2018.1.1.2167 | Windows x64 | Languages: English | File Size: 1.46 GB

Substance Painter is a brand new 3D Painting app with never before seen features and workflow improvements to make the creation of textures for 3D assets easier than ever. It is acknowledged as the most innovative and user-friendly 3D Painter out there. 3D PBR Painting
Use a complete and familiar set of texturing tools: PBR and particle painting, Substance procedural effects, smart materials and smart masks, and fast baking.

Iray Pathtrace Rendering
- Render directly with NVIDIA Iray and enhance your images with Yebis post-process effects.
- Toggle the viewport in new fullscreen mode for an immersive painting experience.

Automated Texturing
Use and reuse presets and integrated bakers to speed up texturing.

Smart Materials
Create and reuse your own mesh-adaptive materials

Smart Masks
Create and reuse your own mesh-adaptive mask presets

Integrated Bakers
AO / normal map / etc.

Premium Content
The updated material library contains scan-based Substance textures and grunge maps, plus hundreds of alphas and brushes.

Release Notes:
New overall style (icons, color, behavior)
New default layout
[Tablet] User experience enhancement while painting
[Main menu] Sort native items in views and toolbars first
[Main menu] Move quick mask actions in viewport section
[Main menu] Move right-click actions into viewport section
[Main menu] Rename View menu as Window
[Quick menu] New tool properties by right click in viewport
[Dock widget] New dock toolbar for quick reduce/recall
[Display settings] Camera and viewer settings window merged
[Layer stack] Contextual right click menu
[Layer stack] Drag and drop to move any effect within the same layer
[Toolbar] Reorganization of toolbar and new contextual toolbar
[Tools toolbar] Split clone tool into two separate tools
[Tools properties] Lighter background grayscale value in the preview
[Tools properties] Organization in tabs (fill and tools)
[Tool] Painting result matches the stencil
[Viewport] New cursor for fill layer
[Viewport] Smoother navigation and painting (higher frame rate)
[Viewport] Material/Channel/Map selection combobox in viewport
[Viewport] Reduce flickering while rotating (shadow on)
[Shelf] Display materials by default when opening Painter
[Shelf] Loading time improvement of Substance textures and materials (2 to 6 times faster)
[Shelf] Reorganize materials folders to fit Substance Source structure
[Shelf] Drag and drop materials directly on the mesh in the viewport
[Shelf] New 3D Noises (Perlin, Perlin Fractal, Simplex and Worley)
[Shelf] New 3D Linear Gradient mask generator using mesh position
[Shelf] Updated base Noises to support non square expansion
[Shelf] Added new template and export preset for Lens Studio (Snap application)
[Shelf] Updated Smart Materials and Smart Masks to use latest version of the Mask Editor (micro details)
[Shelf] New sample project TilingMaterial to create seamless tiling materials
[Shelf] New brush presets (Calligraphy, Wet, Hatching and so on)
[Sliders] New sliders and grayscale/color bars style and behavior
akers Allow use of full scene bounding box to compute the position map
[Shader] Remove height force parameter from the default shader parameters
[Engine] Substance engine updated
[Engine] No or less discontinuities across UV chunks
[Plugins] Import materials downloaded from Substance Source more quickly
[Plugins] Update all plugins to match new overall style
[Preferences] Preview background color changes automatically
[Clean] Reduced risk of project corruption
[Open] Opening project time improvement
[New project] New project mesh update time improvement
[Save] Saving Project time improvement
[Log] License type reported in log
[TextureSet] Rename Bake Textures button as Bake Mesh Maps
Rename Additional maps as Mesh maps

[Viewport] Bad performances with meshes containing a lot of sub-objects
[Tools properties] Channel disabled when dragging and dropping an image into the material slot
[Tools properties] Brush preview is broken with smudge and clone tools
[Texture set] Channels order is wrong when using templates
[Shelf] Missing icon for Grayscale Conversion generator
[Shelf] Sign Circle Number alpha is broken (missing font)
Incorrect detection of integrated GPUs at launch
[Crash] Drag-and-droping an imported ressource named with a # character
[Engine] Vram detection issue on integrated GPU
[Engine] Fixed numerous crashes in Substance Engine Linker
[Engine] Square artefacts when changing resolution
[Post Effects] Interface resize is slow when post effects are on
akers Scene unit is not correctly respected for Ray Distance values
akers AO from Mesh Occluder distance is clamped to 1 no matter the input value
akers Match by name ignores some meshes with specific names
akers Color from mesh Polygroup and Submesh ID setting always return a black image
akers ID Baking fails with binary FBX meshes from Blender
[Shader] Noise in the 2D View with dota-2 and non-pbr-spec-gloss
[Linux] Only one CPU thread is used when baking
[MacOS] Crash with brush cursor moving over the viewport

Known Issues:
Computation freeze on AMD VEGA GPUs
Distorsion post process not taken into account while exporting in IRay (alpha)

System Requirements:

- OS: Windows 7 / 8 / 10 - (64 bit)
- Memory: 8 GB RAM
- Graphics: VRAM 2GB
- DirectX: Version 11

- OS: Windows 7 / 8 / 10 - (64 bit)
- Memory: 16 GB RAM
- Graphics: VRAM 4GB
- DirectX: Version 11



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